Saturday, August 4, 2012

Overtones and Underdogs

Entry courtesy of our fabulous stage manager, Vikki --

Bear with me, there may be more animal references than necessary in this post. I just registered for my vet tech courses at La Guardia. With the new system still working out its kinks, I had to go in person to sort out my schedule. The advisor looked at me the way I assume a doctor delivering a grave diagnosis would and asked, "No more summer vacations from here on out, and it isn't easy, are you ready?" Lady, if you only knew how I voluntarily spend my summers. 

I remember working at an animal shelter once and seeing a newly crippled dog learning to walk on his three remaining legs. He fell over a few times, his front half wanting to move faster than his back, literally ass over elbows. After floundering for a few minutes in his downward dog pose, I went to help him stand. The head tech just put her hand on my arm and said, "Let him figure it out." And he did, with a slobbery grin, figure out how to step step hop back and forth across the room with increasing speed. 

Now, I'm not saying the state of things with GRIMM are so bad that we have been cut across the knees (or insinuating that we are as pitiful as a maimed house pet). This is just how it always has been. We take the silent support of others, occasionally falter, but ultimately work  it out for ourselves.

GRIMM wouldn't be one of those inspirational posters featuring a cuddly kitten telling you to hang in there. It'd be a warning sign saying "Don't feed the animals."

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